In this week’s module we are supposed to comment on the designs that go ahead to make an experience compelling. Before doing so we are asked to read the articles on film making. I personally feel, this is an approach which is like giving people lenses to look through. Where is the creative expression, if I allow people to look at things the way I see them? Instead I feel that the students should express their opinions and then go back to the literature.

One might argue ….as to what is the difference? I feel there is a big difference. Whenever we go through a material, we become opinionated and thus the true essence or feeling gets lost. Once you see Van Gogh, and you know that he was a stalwart in the field, you tend to copy him. Thus your true artistic expression is somehow curbed or suppressed. Instead if you first do the experimentation and then go and see Van Gogh’s work ,you learn from your mistakes. It is Important to make mistakes.

I always find a book to be more richer in imagination. Video on the other hand is another person’s (director’s) viewpoint. I would want the lessons to be planned such that it allows for a rich imagination, something closer to the book and not like the video.

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