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By | Mind Media and Learning | No Comments

There cannot be no impression. In absence of anything we tend to take up information given to us by the media. I have an impression of George Bush junior created by media.

Sometimes we say something and mean completely different. To understand what that person is trying to mean needs a knowledge about the person and background. Shakespeare uses this technique of “PUN” in most of his dramas to critique certain topics, occasions. I agree with Goffman’s argument that we map both the verbal and non verbal expressions given off by an individual to judge his impression. This sometimes can be a measure to check false hood. But I don’t think that mapping of these two expressions are that black and white. Sometimes the person might be talking something and with his expressions meaning completely different and still be giving ques to you, as to which one of the expression you should choose. Sometimes he may leave it to the viewer to use his imagination and come to a conclusion. There is a difference in degree of expression, and this gamut of grayscale defines which expression should be accepted. Whether he is ridiculing an occasion, or if he is in sync with the argument. This information is not only dependent on what the subject gives off but also on how the viewer perceives it. I have tried to joke in online chats and forums. In situations like this the joke falls flat because the beauty of the joke is in understanding what is not said. People don’t get this concept online that easily, and more often you will have to explain your joke, which completely kills its charm.

If mapping of verbal and non verbal expressions were the correct measure of judging false hood, then I would say that our politicians have absolutely mastered this art and are using it to their benefit. They have mastered both defensive and protective impressions that the author talks about. I strongly believe that these factors are not enough to judge an impression.

Should this concept of Pun be considered in forming impression? How can the complexity of decoding a pun affect impressions? It is said that to build an impression it takes a whole life but to ruin it, it takes seconds. Why does the bad impression outweigh all the good impression? Is there a scale? Why does impression formation not follow any scientific or economic law?

Learning through Videos

By | Nature and Design of Compelling Experiences | No Comments

In this week’s module we are supposed to comment on the designs that go ahead to make an experience compelling. Before doing so we are asked to read the articles on film making. I personally feel, this is an approach which is like giving people lenses to look through. Where is the creative expression, if I allow people to look at things the way I see them? Instead I feel that the students should express their opinions and then go back to the literature.

One might argue ….as to what is the difference? I feel there is a big difference. Whenever we go through a material, we become opinionated and thus the true essence or feeling gets lost. Once you see Van Gogh, and you know that he was a stalwart in the field, you tend to copy him. Thus your true artistic expression is somehow curbed or suppressed. Instead if you first do the experimentation and then go and see Van Gogh’s work ,you learn from your mistakes. It is Important to make mistakes.

I always find a book to be more richer in imagination. Video on the other hand is another person’s (director’s) viewpoint. I would want the lessons to be planned such that it allows for a rich imagination, something closer to the book and not like the video.

How Much of Social Presence?

By | Mind Media and Learning | No Comments

I am thousands of miles away from my home and even though I call up everyday there is a need to better connect to my family and friends as if I was living with them. It allows you to be omnipresent to some extent. You feel connected and a part of them. The time that you waste is a conscious decision on your end. It is a great source to find information.

This reminds me of my summer of 2008 when I was preparing to come to USA for higher studies. First thing when you type in class of 2008 MSU in google, will return results from social networking sites. I joined MSU 2008 group on a social networking site called Orkut which is very popular in India. Though a similar group existed on Facebook, the number of users there were insignificant as compared to the one in Orkut. So obviously my choice was Orkut. It was an immense source of information, which gave me all the details from Visa information to how many socks I need to carry. It allowed me to connect to other Indians with whom I am going to spend time in campus.

However Manjoo says that it has reached to a point where it can be compared to having a cell phone. This raises interesting questions. Cell phone allows me to synchronously communicate with somebody. If I don’t pick up the cell phone, it is considered as offensive. Facebook on the other hand allows for asynchronous communication, without being intrusive. Though I completely agree to the benefits of having an account, I will surely not want it to be intruding into my personal space.

Imaginative bridges

By | Nature and Design of Compelling Experiences | No Comments


I am very new to blogging and I am trying to play a little bit with words and photographs. This is one of the photographs I pasted on the facebook profile for the assignment of Module 1. I have not taught before and so don’t know much about teaching but I will try to compare some of the aspects of this photo with education. When I look at the image, I like it because of certain qualities. The subject (building) is at the center of the image, clear, uncluttered, on your face. The building in itself is beautifully designed and thus looks beautiful. The beauty is further accentuated by the framing. The light on the building highlights it’s main portions. There is a special green light chosen to highlight the dome. The figure and the foreground are separated distinctly. The reflection on the water adds to the beauty.

Similarly if I were to teach a lesson, I would want the subject to be very clearly presented (uncluttered and on your face). Like the building, the lesson in itself should be designed beautifully so that the essence of it could be realized. Again, we need to frame it properly within one or more contexts to enhance its effectiveness. Also, not all students are equal, so we need to highlight the main points, something similar to the lighting. We should also choose other modes to reflect the lesson better, may be a video or photo assignment or a game that will be able to provide the same role as the water does in the picture.

Media Matters

By | Mind Media and Learning | No Comments

We in India have a term in Hindi called “Jugaad” which means to make ends meet with whatever is available. The most time and cost effective way of doing things. Yes of course if I can achieve the purpose of learning about Greek Civilization by reading something, then why should I go and build a video game to explore ancient Greek Cities? And somebody who is not interested in reading might equally be not interested in video games. But is it the case? Not always, someone might be interested in video games and not in reading. This is where I agree with Salomon, that we need to consider other factors. Clark’s arguments especially hold good in Indian conditions where typically a class will have 50-60 students and thus it becomes difficult to provide each of them with a video game. Thus textbooks are the most cost effective way out. But think of a situation where you are using a text editor to type something, and every time you misspell a word there is a red underline that indicates you of the mistake committed. Is it not a persuasive way of learning? You don’t have to rely on the teacher to correct the spellings for you, and sometimes the teacher might not be looking into the spellings due to excessive work load. Don’t you think the media plays a role here?

We all pay a lot of stress on practical examinations of Science students. Imagine a Biology student who has learned to operate on a human body through texts only and no practical exams. We clearly stress the importance of contextual learning in this case. Similarly media takes up a very important role when it comes to Role Playing or Virtual Stimulation of a situation. Secondly the media advances are also influencing the content that is delivered. I would thus agree with Cobb and Kozma when they stress the need to consider the role of these tools on the cognitive process. We cannot be indifferent to other modes of learning in this world of media advancement. One might argue that good wine sells by itself, but then why are there booming advertising agencies, if there was no need for them?

Where do innovations come from?

By | Knowledge Media Design | No Comments

George Basalla challenges the popular notion that technological advances arise from the efforts of a few heroic individuals who produce a series of revolutionary inventions that owe little or nothing to the technological past. Does that mean that in a soccer match the goal scored by an individual player be replaced by the whole team’s name. We all know that games like soccer are group games and the performance of the team is more important than the individual, yet being there at the right place in the right time to score the goal is equally important. Even though Faraday and others contributed to Einstein’s theory of relativity, it was his genius which solved the jigsaw puzzle. Personally I feel both the cumulative and the individual is equally important and they complement each other at different times. Sometimes the individual contributes to the whole and at other times the whole is responsible in the development of the self. In the process there is evolution of technology taking place for sure but whether the human race is evolving through it is arguable.

It is really interesting to know that the belief: humans are driven to invent new artifacts in order to meet basic biological needs such as food, shelter, and defense can be a false one. What is reasonable, where do we stop? Things that were reasonable or good at a time may not be desirable today. Man invented the wheel so that he could save himself from walking. Today he has made treadmill so that he can walk and keep himself healthy. Fire, fuel, industrialization that was a boon to mankind is now resulting in global warming. Should we now reverse the process here as well?? Who should contribute here the individual or the collective? To what extent should we develop technology that it becomes a threat to the ecology?

Diamond too like Basalla agrees that most of the inventions are made as a result of tinkering or as byproducts of other products. However I really don’t agree to the fact that why the dominant powers of the last 500 years have been West Europeans rather than the East Asians? Areas in which major civilizations arose had geographical features conducive to the formation of large, stable, isolated empires which faced no external pressure to correct policies that led to stagnation. On the other hand, Europe’s many natural barriers divided it into competing nation-states and this competition forced the European nations to encourage innovation and avoid technological stagnation. Rather I would argue that there were parallel innovations taking place which the rest of the world was not aware of. Like Basalla said, pottery was developed in different places completely disconnected to each other.

Waste: This is a pretty interesting way of looking at consumerism. I really like the way how advertisers make a commodity more cool and desirable. Why buying a diamond during inflation is a better status symbol than when there is a slump. However I was thinking about fortune at the bottom of the pyramid. How about making the product commonplace and thus more people consume it and overall mass consumerism spreads. Wouldn’t it be a better place to live if all people enjoyed the benefits equally? After all when I am buying a Porsche I am allowing the manufacturers and the factory workers to reap some benefit, can’t it be percolated to more than a handful?